Nov 30, 2023
It starts out like the common cold - with a cough, maybe a sneeze - but can suddenly turn into a serious illness unaffected by "normal" treatments, that can linger for weeks. Sound familiar? But this illness impacts DOGS! And no, it's not COVID. So what is it? And why have we heard about cases in at least 14...
Nov 27, 2023
Nov 20, 2023
Did you know ....
What was definitely...
Nov 13, 2023
A full serving of SCOOP before the holiday week!
Congressman Nehls of Texas gives us his assessment of the challenge that lies before House Republican leadership this week: “I don’t think the Lord Jesus himself could manage this group.”
Nov 9, 2023
A quick look at the third Republican debate as five candidates fight for voters and the favor of the party. Did any contenders stand out? Jenna breaks down three things to know about this debate, and three moments that matter.
Hear: Ramaswamy's kinetic opening, the context for the "scum" heard around the world, and a...