Jun 12, 2023
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SCOOP. We don't do half-servings :) We blame gremlins in the
system. Onward!
A closer look into the historic indictment of former President
Trump and your questions answered on this latest legal chapter.
Plus – a quick look at a few other headlines that could impact your wellbeing and wallet this week, including why you should beware of price tags (literally and figuratively).
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Your Rundown:
0:00 A quick note on news dropping on Fridays.
2:08 A personal story before diving into this week's news... Plus ~ What's happening with the U.S. economy. P.S. Stay tuned for an interview later this week on the fiscal health in America.
8:00 Overseas: Largest ever air-force “wargames” begin today, conducted by NATO, the world’s largest military alliance. And, more on a report about China setting up a spy base in Cuba.
9:55 A closer look at the historic indictment of former President Donald Trump
21:55 Taking your questions on the indictment of President Trump and what's next.